The cottage has three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, small sunporch, bathhouse, and outdoor privy.   In this off-the-grid home, heat is provided by outside-venting propane heaters while propane lights illuminate the house (though in the long summer days in Alaska, lights are rarely needed!).  Water is from a gravity-fed system.  Because of our remote location, connectivity can be limited.  Power is from a small solar electric system that supplies limited AC power for recharging devices.

Living Room:  The living room has a table, armchair, and couch that opens into a double bed for additional guests.  It has propane lights and an outside-vented propane heater.

Kitchen:  The kitchen has hot and cold running water, a propane refrigerator, propane stove and oven, and propane lights.  All kitchenware (pots, pans, dishes, glasses, silverware, etc.) are provided. There is a grocery in McCarthy, 5 miles from Kennicott.  To make logistics simpler, however, we strongly suggest that you purchase all groceries prior to driving to Kennicott.

Bathhouse: The bathhouse is a few steps behind the cottage.  There is hot and cold water for the shower and sink.

Sunporch:  The front entry of the house is a small sunporch.

Privy:  17 Silk Stocking Row is very much off the grid. There is no flush toilet; there is a very nice, environmentally-friendly privy in the side yard of the cottage.

Downstairs Bedroom:  The downstairs bedroom, with a double bed, is off both the kitchen and living room, with two doors and a closet.  It has an outside-vented propane heater. All sheets, blankets, pillows and towels are provided.

Upstairs Front Bedroom: The upstairs is essentially one room with a wall and door in the middle, and is reached via steep stairs.  The front upstairs bedroom, with two twin beds, is open to the stairs. It has a small desk and chair, and a large closet.  All sheets, blankets, pillows and towels are provided.

Upstairs Back Bedroom: The upstairs, reached via steep stairs, is essentially one room with a wall and door in the middle, giving privacy to the back bedroom, which has two twin beds and a small closet. All sheets, blankets, pillows and towels are provided.